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Robotics Demo Day

Presents JOIN US FOR AN EXCLUSIVE ROBOTICS DEMONSTRATION DAY! 25th November 2024 9:30am – 12:00pm Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct Pederick Rd, Neerabup WA 6031, Australia REGISTER HERE The Australian

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Advanced Robotics in Australia: Applications and Opportunities

Join this special discussion with Nathan Kirchner, Founding Director, Robotics Australia Group, Michal Weiss, Head of Product – Cloud Ground Control, Advanced Navigation and Michelle Keegan, Program Director, Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth (AROSE) Consortium | with a briefing on the Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference, 23-24 October, 2023 | Perth WA.

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Episode 88 – When the hype actually delivers – Robotics’ clear cost savings, efficiency gains & safety results for NSW security manufacturer & distributor

This interview with DAVCOR Group Managing Director Marc Cohen discusses the business decision process around the introduction of the AutoStore Robot warehouse, which resulted in impacts on business efficiencies, cost savings in warehouse space and inspired the use of robotics in other aspects of the business, including the use of two Universal Robot arms for cycle testing on locking mechanisms. Payback on the AutoStore system is less than two years on rental space alone, including 75% reduction in power usage.

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Episode 68 – 3D Printing’s perfect storm – Interview with the 3D Printing & Robotics Team, Konica Minolta

On location at National Manufacturing Week, Sydney Olympic Park, Martin Keetals, National Business Manager for Robotics and Marc Brandon, Marketing Manager for 3D Printing & Robotics provided insights into the fast-developing 3D printer systems, including the release of the ‘Figure 4’ scalable DLP system, the convergence of technologies in material sciences, computer processing and market demand for cost saving and high productivity systems, including robotics.

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