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Episode 311 – Reforming Electronic Surveillance in Australia – Part 2 – Submission from the Australia National University
The Australian Department of Home Affairs is in the process of overhauling Australia’s electronic surveillance framework.

Reform of Australia’s Electronic Surveillance Framework
The Australian Department of Home Affairs is in the process of overhaulling Australia’s electronic surveillance framework.

Episode 242 – Video surveillance market and analytics application hard drives – Interview with Seagate – MySecTV Takeaway
Interview with Jeff Park, ANZ Country Manager for Seagate discussing the application of purpose built surveillance drives for video systems and using AI and analytics for advanced business and operational applications.

Interview with Jeff Park, ANZ Country Manager for Seagate discussing the application of purpose built surveillance drives for video systems and using AI and analytics for advanced business and operational applications.

WD PURPLE™ Surveillance microSD Card Range
The WD Purple™ microSD™ card is borne out of extensive analysis of three generations of industrial products to specifically address the surveillance market. With its high endurance and capacities up to 256GB, the WD Purple microSD card provides long-lasting on-camera storage, and its support for card health monitoring functionality allows for pre-emptive storage management. It offers exceptional performance and reliability to meet the 24/7 continuous high-definition video recording workload demanded by the growing number of surveillance applications. Trust Western Digital to deliver WD Purple – the ideal microSD storage for video surveillance cameras and edge devices.

WD PURPLE™ Surveillance Hard Drive Range
WD Purple drives are built for 24/7, always-on, high-definition security systems. With a high workload rate, WD Purple drives are optimized for surveillance systems. WD Purple surveillance storage also features WD’s exclusive AllFrame 4K technology, so you can confidently create a security system tailored to the needs of your business.

Drone Automation In Security & Surveillance
FlytBase, Inc. has released a white paper highlighting the factors critical to large-sale deployment of autonomous drones for security and surveillance applications.

Episode 35 – Video Surveillance, Analytics & Milestone Systems APAC Integration Partners Seminar
Chris Cubbage talks to Bjorn Eilertsen, Chief Technology Officer and Benjamin Low, the VP of Sales for Asia Pacific, both with Milestone Systems. Bjorn highlights the transformation of cyber security specifically in relation to aggregation, automation and augmentation of huge sets of data, particularly in relation to video surveillance systems. Bjorn also discusses the three ‘Ds’ – security by design, default, and deployment.

Five Surveillance Essentials for Cutting Shrink and Protecting Profits
Video surveillance has long been an essential weapon in the war against shrink. But recent technological advances and better implementation options are redefining the way systems are designed and used.