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Co-designed by the author of the globally-acclaimed Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge (SRMBoK), SECTARA is the go-to platform for producing professional security risk assessments and treatment plans.

SECTARA enables practitioners to create and complete security risk assessments quickly, simply and with methodological rigour. We incorporated data libraries to promote productivity and made sure that it was suitable for any scope and industry for the broadest utility. As you’d expect, military-grade encryption prevents unauthorised access to your sensitive data – including by developers and system administrators.

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Professor Gordon Cable

Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide, Professor Gordon Cable is a specialist in aerospace medicine. He has been a consultant to the Royal

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Professor Tracy Smart AO

Air Vice-Marshal (Ret’d) BMBS, MPH, MA, Dip AvMed, FRACMA, FACAsM, FAsMA, FCDSS, FACHSM (Hon) Professor Tracy Smart AO is a medical doctor, health leader, aerospace medicine specialist, and retired Royal

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Christopher Hadnagy

Founder and CEO of Social-Engineer, LLC. Christopher Hadnagy, founder and CEO of Social-Engineer, LLC, the creator of the popular Social Engineer Podcast, website, and newsletter. He is also the first

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The Science of Human Hacking

We speak with Christopher Hadnagy, founder and CEO of Social-Engineer, LLC, the creator of the popular Social Engineer Podcast, website, and newsletter. He is also the first (adjunct) professor of social engineering for the University of Arizona, one of the NSA-designated Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations.

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Michael Jones

Executive Chairman and Group CEO of ELA. Experienced C-Suite level leader with the demonstrated intellect and a perfect mix of corporate, entrepreneurial, technology skills and management/leadership expertise and experience to

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