Episode 131 – Augmented & Virtual Reality and fast emerging use on the industrial frontline, with Fountx

Interview with Laurence Beraldo, General Manager, Fountx. Laurence joined TAE Aerospace in June 2016 to head up the development and delivery of TAE Aerospace’s advanced technical product lines as well as enhance TAE Aerospace’s senior leadership team. In July 2017 TAE Aerospace established Fountx Pty Ltd a subsidiary company and Laurence is leading that company to commercialise a world changing product using assisted reality to enhance human capability.

Laurence was the CEO and Company Secretary for the Royal Queensland Aero Club (RQAC) group of companies where he was the CASA approved Air Operator Certificate appointee and accountable manager for the Airline Academy of Australia. Prior to taking on the role as CEO he headed up aircraft maintenance engineering operations and training. He was formerly an executive manager with Aviation Australia where he worked for 10 years and held a number of senior roles including responsibility for flight safety training, Group Training compliance and operations, business development, international client management and the employment outcomes of more than 1,200 aircraft maintenance engineering graduates. Laurence is trained and qualified in aviation maintenance engineering and management, holds a pilot’s licence, had a 14 year maintenance and training career with the RAAF and managed several successful businesses.

Recorded in Sydney on 13 November 2018 at the 2nd Augmented and Virtual Reality for Safety, Training, Maintenance and Manufacturing Forum 2018. The event was held in conjunction with the 2nd Immersive Augmented and Virtual Reality Customer Experience, Marketing and Product Development Forum.


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