Episode 44 – Three ‘V’s of ‘Data’ – Volume, Variety & Velocity with Yellowfin Business Intelligence

In this interview, we talk with Ivan Seow, Global Product Marketing Manager at Yellowfin, headquartered in Melbourne.

Yellowfin has a 15 year history within business intelligence and analytics, and the platform utilises relational databases, web applications in the cloud, as well as unstructured data, to provide answers for clients through machine learning, in manufacturing, health care, superfunds, and even fashion.

In short, Yellowfin helps answer the ‘Why’ of sales outcomes.

Chris and Ivan also discuss the proliferation of data sources, with respect to the three ‘Vs’, namely volume, variety and velocity of data, and how businesses can adapt quickly to real time insights, utilizing machine learning tools.

Recorded at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit, International Convention Centre, Sydney, 26 February 2018.


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