Episode 223 – Global Resilience Federation and the cyber threat intelligence information sharing landscape

Bill Nelson is the CEO of Global Resilience Federation (GRF). Previously, Nelson was the President and CEO of the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC).

In his 12 years, Nelson led FS-ISAC in its response to major cyber and physical threats and vulnerabilities that affected the financial services industry, including partnering with Microsoft to take down four major botnet infrastructures. He was also responsible for creating the Sector Services Division of FS-ISAC, which was established to assist other sectors and became the genesis for launching Global Resilience Federation.

Nelson was named the fifth most influential person in the field of financial-information security by the publication Bank Info Security and he also received the prestigious RSA Award for Excellence in Information Security.

Before joining FS-ISAC, Nelson was the Executive Vice President of NACHA, the electronic payments association, where he oversaw the development of the ACH Network into one of the largest electronic payment systems in the world, processing nearly 14 billion payments by the time he transitioned to FS-ISAC.

In this podcast with Jane Lo, Singapore Correspondent, Bill shares his insights on the cyber threat intelligence information sharing landscape during the period when he was the President and CEO of FS-ISAC and how incidents such as the Sony Hack in 2014 and the Central Bank of Bangladesh influenced the ways organisations came to view information sharing. He also discusses how recent cyber incidents in operational technology have matured the conversations between public and private sectors, and why the focus on recovery is critical.

Information on the virtual summit with highlights including Captain Scott Kelly’s keynote, and presentations by security practitioners on emerging concepts and trending threats, can be found here: https://grf.org/virtual-summit-overview.


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