
Navigating the cloud continuum

September 2, 2022

State Of Cloud

As the business landscape evolves, so too does cloud adoption. In Australia, we’re seeing a new wave of cloud adoption, with many businesses reversing from the ‘all or nothing’ cloud strategy they dove into in the wake of major global disruptions.

They’re now headed towards having a mix of public cloud and private cloud to address the challenges they experienced around security, governance and compliance, app compatibility, and costs. Discover the latest cloud trends in Australia and how you can create the best environment for your business.

State of cloud in Australia

The watershed events of the past few years really turned up the pressure on Australian businesses. While change has always been a fact of life — customers, employees, and technology are ever evolving — it snowballed at a speed and scale we’ve never seen before. Businesses had to quickly reinvent how they work, how they sell, and how they provide services. This led a mass migration to cloud services.

Analysts predict cloud spending will continue growing through 2022 and beyond. According to Gartner, Australian companies are expected to increase their public cloud spending to $18.7 billion in 2022, up nearly 32% from $14.2 billion in the previous year. Almost half of CIOs in Australia and New Zealand said they reserved new or additional funding for cloud services this year (44%).

The research firm attributed its forecast to the rise in demand for cloud-native apps that can run uniformly and consistently in any environment; database platform-as-a-service, a third-party managed service that monitors and maintains databases for businesses; and artificial intelligence powered features to support activities like managing data, unearthing valuable insights, and establishing continuous backup and recovery.

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Business, cloud adoption, Cloud Strategy, governance, trends