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Subsea cables and interconnection hubs – The interplay of diversifying routes and peering markets

This white paper assesses the correlations between the growing subsea cable market and the global market for network interconnection by delving into several topics: determining the core drivers of subsea supply and demand, exploring the route priorities of the new cable builders, determining which nodes are growing as interconnection markets, and evaluating cases of specific markets to see if subsea network and interconnection market development go hand-in-hand.

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Episode 95 – Convergence of industries – Physical Access Control, Connectivity & Authentication

Interview with HID Global’s Vice President and Managing Director of Physical Access Control, Harm Radstaak, based in the Netherlands. HID Global is a world leader in access control systems for secure physical access, network login, and safeguarding assets. The discussion covers the global and Asia Pacific markets, convergence of technologies, including connectivity, workplace optimisation and area governance with mobile authentication. Mobile authentication is the process by which a system, supporting mobile connectivity, verifies the identity of the user or other system who desires access via a mobile credential.

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