Episode 101 – Malaysia’s perspective on what is driving security agendas with CEO, Cybersecurity Malaysia, Dato’ Dr. Amirudin Abdul Wahab

Dato’ Dr. Amirudin Abdul Wahab provided the welcoming address to Cyber Security Asia 2018 and outlines how cybersecurity affects the security, stability and progress of country nations. Nations, organisations and indeed society at large have to realign quickly to the new world order to ensure their survival and growth this century.

Following elections in Malaysia, the country is restructuring the cyber security framework and we also discuss Cybersecurity Malaysia’s CyberDEF program which is a solution for detection, eradication and forensic investigation for organisations to take more proactive and responsive steps to eradicate and remediate security threats and vulnerabilities.

Recorded 4 September, 2018 at Cyber Security Asia, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia https://cybersecurityasia.tech/ – MySecurity Media attended courtesy of Thomvell International


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