Episode 109 – Cybernomics: Digital Asset Valuation & Cyber Risk Measurement with Dr. Keyun Ruan, Computer Scientist & Author “Digital Forensics”

This interview with Dr. Keyun Ruan dives into her research in identifying the value of ‘cyber’ in business, establishing traceability for better risk management, analyzing the attacker’s role in cyber risk and the outlook for the future of cyber risk quantification.

Dr. Keyun Ruan has worked as a PhD researcher at the Center of Cyber security and Cybercrime Investigation (University College, Dublin) and in cloud forensics at the Cyber Security Research Lab (EADS). She was among the first in the world to work on this emerging area. Professor Ruan has given talks around the world in both academic and industry conferences, including CloudEXPO Europe and Silicon Valley, Cloud Futures held at Microsoft Research Headquarters, Cloud Security Alliance Congress, RSA Conference Europe, Campus Party Europe, the ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics Security and Law, the International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, the IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics. Keyun is now Chairperson and CRO of New York based XENSIX Inc, research scientist at University College Dublin, and research partner at EADS. She is an active member of the Cloud Security Alliance, member of the board of Cloud Security Alliance Ireland, and is leading the Cloud Security Alliance Incident Management and Forensics Working Group. She is an active contributor to the NIST Cloud Computing Program, and a Technical Lead of the NIST Cloud Forensics Working Group. She is also a semi-professional artist and holds a diploma in Art and Design from the National College of Art and Design, Ireland.

Interview conducted recorded 5 September, 2018 at Cyber Security Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia https://cybersecurityasia.tech/ – MySecurity Media attended courtesy of Thomvell International #CSA2018


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