Episode 115 – ASD Essential 8 cybersecurity strategies applied to business requirements, insights with Tony Campbell CISSP, CISM, CIPM @BSidesPer @AustCyberSecMag

Tony Campbell is a Security Architect and Editor of the Australian Cyber Security Magazine (ACSM) – in the lead up to Issue 6 of the ACSM we discuss the business and board applications of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) Essential 8 cybersecurity strategies and how these can be applied and inform the business and board of directors.

Recorded at BSides Perth 2018 which attracted over 300 delegates, including kids and families, to UWA Business School and along with t-shirts, beanies and tool kits, delegates also received a cool and unique handmade conference badge, using a NodeMCU ESP8266 WiFi SoC. Security BSides (commonly referred to as BSides) is a hacker convention, held amongst a growing eco-system of events in Australia and New Zealand that provide a community driven framework for information security conferences.
For the full podcast series from #BsidesPerth visit https://australiancybersecuritymagazine.com.au/bsidesper-2018-podcast-series-bsidesperth/


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