Episode 123 – Interview with Jane Frankland and answering the Gender Bias Question – #KLNext Series

Interview with Jane Frankland, an award-winning cybersecurity entrepreneur, consultant, speaker and market influencer. Having spent nineteen years in cybersecurity, she has built and sold her own penetration testing firm, and been actively involved in leading industry accreditations, schemes and forums. She is the founder of Cyber Security Capital, the IN Crowdd community, and the IN Security movement.

Author of Insecurity: Why a Failure to Attract and Retain Women in Cybersecurity Is Making Us All Less Safe, you can learn more about Jane and her initiatives via http://jane-frankland.com

Recorded 30 October 2018 at Kaspersky Lab Next Conference, Barcelona, Spain. #KLNext.

MySecurity Media were participants in this year’s Kaspersky Next conference courtesy of Kaspersky Lab.


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