Episode 129 – Industrial Control System (ICS) Cyber Security with Daniel Ehrenreich, Asia ICS Cyber Security Conference 2018

Interview with Daniel Ehrenreich, BSc. an Israel based Consultant at Secure Communications and Control Experts, and Lecturer teaching at cyber security colleges and presenting at ICS cyber defense conferences; Daniel has over 25 years’ engineering experience with electricity, water, gas and power plants systems as part of his activities at Tadiran, Motorola, Siemens and Waterfall Security.

The discussion centres around the challenges raised to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) as a result of the Stuxnet attack and the use of uni-directional gateways, or Diodes and importance of physical security systems. Safety, Reliability and Productivity is the key triad for OT.

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Recorded 21 November 2018 in Singapore at Asia ICS Cyber Security Conference 2018. MySecurity Media were conference Media Partners and attended courtesy of the conference organiser.


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