Episode 140 – DevOps and the journey to DevSecOps with #OzCyberinUSA2019 – Interview with Paul McCarty of SecureStack

Recorded in San Francisco at the RSA Conference and part of #OzCyberinUSA2019, MySecurity Media’s Dave Matrai interviews Paul McCarty of SecureStack.

This is a great story about an American that’s come to Australia, become an Aussie and is on a mission to take his company back to America! Already working with a number of government clients, Paul discusses his insights into DevOps and the journey he is undertaking as part of CyRise.

Recorded in San Francisco at WeWorks during #RSA2019 and in collaboration with AustCyber and AusTrade. MySecurity Media is the Official Media Partner to AustCyber for the West Coast USA Trade Mission & RSA Conference 2019.

For more information stay tuned with #OzCyberinUSA2019 or visit www.austcyber.com


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