Episode 16 – AISA Member Focus – AISA WA Conference Wrap-Up, Board Member insights & 2018 Outlook

This episode of the Cyber Security Weekly Podcast focuses on the Australian Information Security Association (‘AISA’), with a wrap up and insights to the WA Conference, held 17 November 2017, a look out to BrisSec 2018 and the largest ever National Conference, ‘Australian Cyber Security Conference’, 9-11 October, 2018, Melbourne Convention Centre. Discussions include the benefits of being a member of AISA, calls for contribution and the importance of collaboration. MySecurity Media’s Chris Cubbage speaks with Daisy Sinclair, Mourad Khalil, Kelly Taylor, Helaine Leggat, Alan Fereday and Editor of the Australian Cyber Security Magazine, Tony Campbell. If you’re an AISA member or considering to join – you’ll enjoy this podcast!


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