Episode 210 – The 3 C’s of Cyber – Crisis, Culture & Compliance – Fortinet Series Ep2

In the second of this three part podcast series with Fortinet, we dive into Culture with a focus on high performance teams, creating a ‘Culture of Security’ and the broader interdependence to the Security Industry Culture.

Joined by Cornelius Mare, Director of Security Solutions Fortinet ANZ andGlenn Maiden, Director FortiGuard Threat Intelligence, ANZ this is a highly insightful discussion and directly relevant to the on-going management of enterprise crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship and impacts on corporate culture.

As the world continues to respond to the pandemic and undergoes an accelerated digital transformation and destabilised geo-political landscape, the preparation, management and review of cyber related crisis is a fundamental discipline in an enterprise security posture. This series explores crisis management and connections to culture and the renewed challenge of building a team in a remote workforce and bench-marking compliance, risk and regulations.

Recorded between Sydney and Canberra, 21 July 2020, courtesy of Fortinet.

For more information on Fortinet visit www.fortinet.com

Episode 207 – The 3 C’s of Cyber – Crisis, Culture & Compliance – Fortinet Series Ep1

Stay tuned for Episode 3 where we dive deeper into the third ‘C’ – ‘Compliance’ and wrap it all up with each of the 3 C’s of Cyber.

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