Episode 228 – MySecTV Takeaway – Interview and book review with Geoff Raby, former Australian Ambassador to China

China’s Grand Strategy and Australia’s Future in the New Global Order – Book review with Geoff Raby

Special interview, recorded 12 November, 2020 with Geoff Raby, author of a new book – ‘China’s Grand Strategy and Australia’s Future in the New Global Order’ Geoff Raby was Australia’s ambassador to China (2007–11); ambassador to APEC (2003–5); and ambassador to the World Trade Organization (1998–2001). He was awarded the Order of Australia in 2019 for services to Australia–China relations and to international trade.

This interview reviews Geoff’s work and the new emerging world order of competition and disruption, particularly in the APAC region with consideration to the impacts on Australia, ASEAN and US-China relations.

Copies of the book for purchase are available via: https://www.mup.com.au/books/chinas-g…

For further viewing on MySecurityTV – Aerospace, Defence & Security Technology Market Trends 2020 – India’s Reach Series (Episodes 1 – 8); Indo-Pacific Series (Episodes 1 – 10) – visit www.MySec.TV


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