Episode 233 – Australian Government ministerial reshuffle to include Cybersecurity – Panel Discussion

Australian business has applauded the Federal Government ministerial reshuffle, which will include the appointment of a Cyber Security role to oversee COVID-19 economic security commitments – we discuss the impact of this decision on Australian business and Australia as a whole.

We’re joined by:

Claire Pales, Director, 27 Lanterns

Abbas Kudrati, APAC Lead Chief Cybersecurity Advisor, Microsoft

Nick Savvides, Senior Director of Strategic Business, Forcepoint

Recent article from Nick Savvides – https://australiancybersecuritymagazine.com.au/securing-the-modern-workforce-zero-trust-in-a-sase-architecture/

MySec.TV version available https://youtu.be/l529jwuB0Z8


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