Episode 26 – Women in Cyber – Sandra Ragg, Office of the Cyber Security Special Adviser for the Prime Minister & Cabinet and Narelle Devine, Australian Federal Department of Human Services

Sandra Ragg, First Assistant Secretary of the Office of the Cyber Security Special Adviser for the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Narelle Devine the Chief Information Security Officer, for the Department of Human Services discuss their roles in facilitating and supporting the Women in Cyber Mentoring Experience. The interview delves into the growing road map and careers for women in cyber, as well as the need to elevate cyber security within the everyday lives of Australians.

For the related event review article – visit https://australiancybersecuritymagazine.com.au/mentoring-women-into-cybersecurity/

Recorded at the Commonwealth Bank, Sydney, hosting Day 1 of the Women in Cyber Experience, November 28, 2017. #WICME


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