Episode 271 – Cybersecurity professionals – Australia invests $8 million on skills and availability

We speak with Phil Rodrigues, Head of Security, APJ Commercial at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Following the Federal Government’s announcement that it is investing more than $8 million in improving the skills and availability of cyber security professionals, we look at AWS and ADAPT research that found 92% of Australian and New Zealand CISO’s report the pandemic has increased the need for security and awareness training within their organisation. Further, 44% reported the depth of their in-house security skills is good but could be better, with an additional 39% reporting in-house skills are ‘poor’ or ‘OK’.”

Recorded Live on MySec.TV – episode available https://mysecuritymarketplace.com/av-media/cybersecurity-professionals-australia-invests-8-million-on-skills-and-availability/

Apologies for a network outage during the session.

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