Episode 39 – iCetana’s AI assisted video monitoring software applied in surveillance and security for real-time intervention

Stephen Bose, Head of Business Development for Australasia at iCetana introduces the company’s AI assisted video monitoring software and how the algorithm analyses patterns from multiple camera views. Using Deep Learning, the algorithm comes to understand where, when, and how objects and people move, and the patterns and anomalies in these patterns, and how this is applied in surveillance and security for real-time intervention.

Stephen explains that the technology is not limited to video but can also be expanded into sonar, radar, thermal images and even network traffic, wherever large datasets and patterns are generated.

The two also talk about iCetana’s evolution and growth from a company of two staff to just under 40, with offices in Dubai, the UK and the USA, and the not too distant future of the company.

Recorded in Hanoi, Vietnam at the Milestone Systems APAC Integration Partners Seminar (MIPS) 2018 #MIPS2018 #MilestoneCommunityDays

MySecurity Media attended this event courtesy of Milestone Systems.


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