Episode 48 – Implications & Opportunities of the European Union’s GDPR and Australia’s NDB scheme

In this interview, David Kemp, Specialist Business Consultant, and Matthew Hanmer, Regional Director Security Software, both from Micro Focus, the 7th largest pure software company in the world, discuss the implications of the European Union’s GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, and Australia’s Mandatory Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) scheme.

David Kemp highlights the business benefits of compliance, which includes avoiding fines, reputational damage, and also improving the business’s attractiveness to potential clients. In short, ensuring trust. He also highlights the two fundamental challenges of GDPR compliance, which includes monitoring a wide range of data types, encompassing audio, visual, alphanumerical data and even social media, as well as the huge variety of locations of that stored data, including end point devices and even backup storage.

On an Australian perspective, Matthew Hanmer, highlights that there is still somewhat of a grey area with respect to many company’s full understanding mandatory data breach notification legislation.

This is a deep discussion on data protection and security – Enjoy!


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