Episode 56 – Weekly Update – #2018ACSC, ACSM#4, NDB Update, ASM Apr/May, Events & Outreach

This weekly podcast catches up on Australian Cyber Security Magazine Issue 4 – Data Breach Notification, ACSC Conference Wrap Up, including ASD priorities & Podcasts with Alastair MacGibbon, F5Labs, Vault Systems, Data61 Ribit Networking, ANU Students, CyberRisk Meetups and update on the OAIC Notifiable Data Breach quarterly update.

The Australian Security Magazine Apr/May is also out, featuring articles on Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity in Space and Miltary Operations and Women in Security feature.

For upcoming events, we highlight, amongst others;

30 April – 2 May 2nd Annual Safety, Security, and Counter-Terrorism Conference[2] Sydney
30 April – 1 May Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations Management & Data Centre Summit Sydney
1-3 May CIVSEC 2018 Melbourne
1 – 2 May Fraud Detection and Investigations 2018 Sydney
3 – 4 May Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit Sydney
9 – 10 May SAFEGUARDING AUSTRALIA 2018 Canberra
15 – 17 May CeBIT Australia 2017 Sydney
22-25 May Netevents IoT Innovation Summit San Jose

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MySecurity Media App – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/my-security-media


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