Episode 77 – Securing your Digital Transformation – Financial Services Case Study using BlackBerry Workspaces

In this interview, Chris Cubbage talks to Nigel Thompson, Vice President of Product Design at BlackBerry, and Darren Michael, Chief Information Officer of Patersons Securities.

BlackBerry, traditionally well known as a hardware company specifically with strengths in security, has successfully transitioned into a software company that secures all end-points and offers cybersecurity services. True to its core, the company is still strong in security, but now expanding into securing multiple and more often than not, third party, end points – such as Apple phones and tablets, motor vehicles, and even medical devices.

Patersons Securities, is a BlackBerry client, and in its goal to become more agile, error free and secure, is moving to a paperless workplace and one that is completely digital, and is now using BlackBerry’s Workspaces, a secure collaboration in a cloud solution. In this episode Nigel, of BlackBerry, discusses Workspaces, as well as the BlackBerry Collaboration Suite, and BlackBerry Dynamics, and how these solutions have benefited Darren’s firm, Patersons Securities.

If you’re an organisation that has a digital strategy, but has concerns over cyber security, then you’ll enjoy this interview with Chris Cubbage, Nigel Thompson and Darren Michael.

For the Full Patersons Securities Case Study – Visit https://www.blackberry.com/content/dam/blackberry-com/Documents/pdf/case-studies/asia-pacific/en/cs-patersons-securities.pdf

For more case studies – Visit https://www.blackberry.com/en/customers/success-stories

Recorded in Sydney, 6 June 2018, courtesy of BlackBerry’s Secure World Tour.

For further information about BlackBerry cybersecurity solutions and services, please contact: [email protected]


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