Unleashing Human Creativity
for Proactive Security


CISO Interview Series

Hack the Hacker Series

Bug Bounty Leadership Series - Interview with CEO of Bugcrowd

CxO Perspectives – Hardware Hacking & Bug Bounty

CISO Perspectives Series

Hack the Hacker Series

Cybersecurity Reports Insight Series

Bugcrowd Leadership Series

Bugcrowd’s future plans for growth and expansion throughout the Asia Pacific | Bugcrowd’s CEO Dave Gerry and founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Casey Ellis

Bugcrowd to accelerate global growth following capital raise – interview with founder Casey Ellis

Bugcrowd CEO in Australia and reporting continued international growth

Pen Testing as a Service and bug bounty partnerships

CxO Perspectives - CISO Series

CISO perspectives for the Asia Pacific region | Nick McKenzie, CI&SO and Sunil Joshi, Head of Digital & Communication Solutions, APJC, Orange Business

Supply chain defence and Third Party Risk Management | Nick McKenzie, CI&SO with Bugcrowd & Sumit Bansal, VP Asia Pacific & Japan, BlueVoyant

Hack the Hacker Series

Hack the Hacker Series introduction with Bugcrowd’s CSO & TISO | Bugcrowd’s Casey Ellis, Chief Strategy Officer and Saj Lohani Global TISO & Snr Director, Cybersecurity

Webinar On-Demand Series

Security ROI is top of mind for security and business leaders who need to quantify the impact of their investment. Line of sight into security ROI has always been hard, and adoption of crowdsourced security with a “pay for results” economic model (aka, bug bounty) adds additional considerations – but also opportunities to show a tangible impact on the bottom line.

Join our webinar featuring Paul Ciesielski and Jason Haddix as they discuss:

  • The overall potential economic impact of bug bounty adoption
  • How bug bounty potentially affects operational efficiency and traditional pen testing
  • How to think about qualitative benefits




Codee Ludbey CPP

Director, Senior Security Consultant | Core42

Codee is a seasoned security management professional known for his expertise in merging security and urban design principles to create secure and inviting built environments. Certified in Security Management by ASIS International and holding a Master of Science and First Class Honours degree in security management, Codee is a respected figure in the field.

His extensive experience includes managing crime, counter-terrorism, and cyber risks across government, infrastructure, arts and culture, and commercial sectors. Codee is particularly focussed on built environment strategy, public security, urban design, and security planning. Codee excels in navigating the complex security regulatory environment for corporate entities, state infrastructure projects, and public spaces, guiding projects through the design process from business case through to operations effectively.

Luke Percy-Dove

CEO, Senior Security Consultant | Matrix Consulting

After 29 years in security, Luke has consulted to just about every industry sector there is, with a personal objective to create positive change within the security industry by challenging convention and getting people to think differently.

• Independent physical security consultant 25+ years
• Counter-terrorism security advisor
• Critical infrastructure security advisor
• CPTED expert
• CEO – Matryx Consulting
• Founder – RiskDynamyx

George Dionisopoulos

Senior Security Consultant | ASIS NSW Chapter Chair

A dedicated Senior Security Consultant with over 20 years of specialising in Security, Compliance & Risk Management and Government Relations. George has  a proven track record in developing and implementing robust security solutions.

Specializing in risk assessment, compliance management, and incident response, as well as extensive expertise in creating and maintaining secure environments for diverse clients. He is adept at collaborating with stakeholders to tailor security measures to specific organizational needs and has a comprehensive knowledge of industry standards. This coupled with strong leadership and communication skills, ensures effective security strategies that align with regulatory requirements.

He is passionate about staying abreast of emerging threats and technologies to provide cutting-edge security consultancy.

George prides himself on delivering security excellence and helping build the portfolio for the next generation of young security professionals by participating as an active member in ASIS International, The Security Institute and various other security forums.

Kate Hampson

Graduate Security Consultant, Arup | NextGen Lead – ASIS WA Chapter

Kate Hampson is a Graduate Security Consultant at Arup. She has experience in national and international projects. Kate provides unique and tailored security advice for clients in matters related to security and risk management.

Kate is the NextGen Lead for the ASIS International WA Chapter Committee. She is committed to the development of young professionals in the security industry. This includes education and networking opportunities.

She is also a Masters by Research Student. Her proposed study seeks to investigate women’s safety in the built environment. In particular, the development of a situational crime prevention framework to provide higher degrees of risk mitigation efficacy.

BRIEFING SESSION: Using RPAS for Emergency Services |  Drone Legislation Update

Superintendant Paul Daly

Chair - National Police RPAS Working Group

CASA EX19/24 – Indoor Operation of RPA Near People and BVLOS – Exemption Instrument 2024. National law enforcement working group has created regulations to allow police to operate drones in high risk environments.

Networking Sundowner Series – Melbourne


Responding to digital risk, cybersecurity and deepfakes for the protection of critical and civil infrastructure


Jeannie Marie Paterson


Facing Uncertainty & Avoiding Surprises - What is impacting us now & what is important for organisations to manage

Deepfakes and Human Risk factors | AI - Legal & Technical requirements | Digital ID and Privacy Act changes | New or emerging obligations on organisations


Craig Searle

Director of Consulting, Pacific Region – TRUSTWAVE

Nick Ellsmore

Partner, Cyber – MANTEL GROUP

Suzanne Murray


Chathura Abeydeera

Director – KPMG


Dr Jyoti Joshi

Founder & CEO | Kroop AI

Mike Metcalfe

Sales Director, ANZ & Southern Africa | IRISITY AI & VIDEO ANALYTICS

Hadassah Harland

Artificial Intelligence PhD Candidate with Deakin University and professional Data Engineer



Paul Riley

Director, Foreign Risk, Curtin University

Paul Riley is a Global risk and compliance executive who specialises in countering foreign interference and unwanted technology transfer. Paul is the Director, Foreign Risk at Curtin University where he has built a team focused on enhancing institutional resilience to foreign interference across Curtin and its global campuses, emphasising education and awareness raising and systemised due diligence, risk assessment and mitigation. Prior to the Higher Education Research Sector, Paul spent 13 years working in the Commonwealth Government with positions across Australia.

Professor Sissel Haugdal Jore

Societal Security & Risk Management, University of Stavanger, Norway

Sissel H. Jore is Professor in Risk Management and Societal Safety at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. Her main research topics are terrorism, counterterrorism, and security risk management, risk perception, conceptualizations of risk, discourse analysis, critical terrorism studies, terrorism emergency preparedness, and crisis management. Jore has developed and taught several university courses on the topic of security on bachelor and master level including the courses Security and Information Protection, Security, Risk Management and Protection from Terrorism and Other Intentional Crimes.

Bryan de Caires

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL)

ASIAL is the peak national body for security professionals in Australia, dedicated to supporting members, promoting standards and safeguarding public interests. ASIAL is a Federally Registered Employer Organisation and Cabling Registrar under the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s Cabling Provider Rules. The Association represents small, medium and large organisations who provide security services across a broad range of activities

Dr Shannon Ford

Senior Lecturer, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University

Dr Shannon Brandt Ford is currently the Coordinator of the International Relations Undergraduate Major at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. He is also on the Board of Directors for the Asia-Pacific International Society of Military Ethics (APAC-ISME) and a Faculty Affiliate with the Program on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance at Indiana University. Previously, Dr Ford was a Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales Canberra and a Research Fellow with the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics. He has taught a range of undergraduate and postgraduate subjects at Curtin University, the Australian National University (ANU), Charles Sturt University, and the Australian Defence Force Academy. He has also developed and taught professional development programs for government agencies in international security, intelligence, and policy-making processes in Australia and overseas. Dr Ford completed his PhD at the Australian National University in 2017. His dissertation is titled: Security Institutions, Use of Force and the State: A Moral Framework. Before completing his doctorate, Dr Ford developed extensive knowledge of international security and a wide-range of experiences in government having worked as a senior intelligence analyst and strategic policy-maker in the Australian Department of Defence. Initially, he specialised in North Asian security issues and then later led collaborative strategic planning work with the U.S. Department of Defense. His research has been published in the Journal of Military Ethics, Criminal Justice Ethics, Journal of Cyber Policy, Quartz, The Conversation, and The Interpreter.

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