2019 Unisys Security Index™

July 15, 2019

The 2019 Unisys Security Index™ surveyed more than 1,000 consumers in Australia, as part of an international study of more than 13,000 people across 13 countries, to gauge the public’s concern about various security issues and how they change over time.

The Unisys Security Index for Australia – the overall measure of security concerns of the Australian public – is 155 out of 300, up from 151 in 2018 and continues a period of elevated concern over the last three years. This is lower than the global average of 175, and while it is only the eighth highest level of concern of the 13 countries surveyed, it is the second highest of the Western economies included in the survey and 16 points above neighbouring New Zealand.

The top three security concerns for Australians relate to data theft. More than half of adult Australians are seriously concerned about unauthorised access to their personal data (57%), bankcard fraud (56%) and computer hacking or viruses (54%).

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bankcard fraud, computer hacking, data security, international study, security concerns, unauthorised access, Unisys, various security issues, viruses