2024 Digital Banking Fraud Trends in EMEA

March 27, 2024

To compile this report, BioCatch’s team of experts, led by its worldwide advisory team and threat analysts, conducted research using data from both BioCatch customers with active deployments in the EMEA region and official sources in the region.

This report offers a comprehensive perspective on the current threat landscape and banking fraud trends in EMEA, an analysis of the evolution of the fraud landscape across the region, and a deepdive case study into the different uses of remote access tools.

This report is presented in the following sections:

  • Key Fraud Trends in EMEA
  • Threat Landscape in EMEA
  • Evolution of the Fraud Landscape
  • Deep Dive: Differentiating Active and Passive RAT

Price: FREE

About the Provider

BioCatch Empowers Digital Financial Experiences that People Trust.


AI-powered fraud, Financial Crime