2024 Global Threat Report

April 26, 2023

With the best technologies, the most widespread information distribution, and the greatest public awareness of threats all in motion, the security environment is stronger than ever. Yet, almost in spite of these things, threat ecosystems are thriving like never before.

Truthfully, the threat landscape is dynamic and reactive — a new technique empowers a previously unknown threat group, vendors swarm to mitigate that threat and create new technologies in the process, operators on both sides seek out new techniques or tools, and so it goes. This landscape is shaped daily by the efforts of attackers and defenders alike. This report is one of the ways that Elastic Security Labs holds itself accountable as a force of change for good in a dynamic environment — by sharing what we’re seeing, as well as what we think needs further visibility.

The intention with our Global Threat Report is the same as it’s been over the past couple years: to democratize knowledge, uphold transparent principles, and identify impacts. We are leveraging Elastic’s powerful global technology to provide unique insights that inform our priorities for the Elastic Security solution and serve the security community at large.

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