First 6: Half-Year Threat Report 2024

August 6, 2024

At Darktrace, we approach threat intelligence with a unique perspective. Unlike traditional security vendors that rely on established patterns from past incidents, our strategy is rooted in the belief that identifying behavioral anomalies is crucial for identifying both known and novel threats.

Darktrace’s AI-driven technology excels at detecting malicious activities that may appear harmless in other environments and could evade traditional security tools that focus solely on specific rules and signatures. By emphasizing behavioral analysis and leveraging multiple AI applications, Darktrace is able to identify and neutralize threats that are yet to be publicly disclosed or attributed. Through hindsight analysis, we have highlighted numerous threats, including zero day, N day and other novel attacks, showcasing their evolving nature and Darktrace’s ability to identify them.

For our customers, the primary benefit is the timely detection and containment of emerging threats through Darktrace detection and Autonomous Response capabilities. For our analysts and researchers, these incidents mark the beginning of a deeper investigation, aiming to connect mitigated threats to wider trends from across the threat landscape.

Our findings and insights are regularly shared via our Inside the SOC blog series, providing detailed analysis into specific incidents or campaigns that have been observed across the Darktrace fleet. We value your feedback and invite you to reach out to us as [email protected] with any thoughts or questions

Price: FREE

About the Provider

Darktrace (DARK.L), a global leader in cyber security artificial intelligence, delivers complete AI-powered solutions in its mission to free the world of cyber disruption. Its technology continuously learns and updates its knowledge of ‘you’ for an organization and applies that understanding to achieve an optimal state of cyber security. It is delivering the first ever Cyber AI Loop, fueling a continuous end-to-end security capability that can autonomously prevent, detect, and respond to novel, in-progress threats in real time. Darktrace employs over 2,200 people around the world and protects over 8,100 organizations globally from advanced cyber-threats.


Cybercrime-as-a-Service Threat