From Chaos to Control: Simplifying IT in the Fast Lane of Change

January 28, 2025

Managing IT today means navigatinga minefield of rising costs, fragmentedecosystems, and ever-evolving securitythreats. IT admins are under constantpressure to juggle complex deviceenvironments, shadow IT risks, and therapid advance of AI—all while delivering a simple and seamless user experience.

The pace of change can feel relentless. Nearly 90% of IT admins worry about unauthorized apps and devices expanding their attack surface, while 67% are concerned that AI’s rapid rise outpaces their ability to secure against AI-driven threats. With IT sprawl overwhelming many teams, 85% of admins are calling for a unified platform to manage devices, identities, and access, simplifying their increasingly fragmented environments.

Despite the rapid pace of change, JumpCloud’s biannual SME IT Trends Report reveals that IT teams remain remarkably resilient. In response to increasing pressures and rising challenges, IT practitioners continue to seek ways to make it simple for employees to get their job done while securing their organizations. They remain convinced that IT management can be simplified. They are stepping up investments in IT for better security. They are leaning into emerging technologies and determining the best way to support an increasingly complicated device environment.

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About the Provider

JumpCloud® delivers a unified open directory platform that makes it easy to securely manage identities, devices, and access across your organization.


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