Phishing Threat Trend Report

March 19, 2025

Our Phishing Threat Trends Reports bring you the latest insights into the phishing landscape. Whether that’s emerging attacks or techniques that arestarting to gain traction, or new intel on established threats.

In this edition, we look at how the “old” threat of ransomware continues to grow and walk through the “new” sophisticated tactics that cybercriminals layered into an attack detected by KnowBe4 Defend. These tactics enabled it to bypass native security and a secure email gateway (SEG), and would make it virtually impossible to stop if it had launched.

Elsewhere, we continue to highlight how cybercriminals are using AI to architect polymorphic phishing campaigns; how they’re injecting themselves into the hiring process to gain access to systems and data; and the attacks making it through native security and SEGs.

Unless otherwise stated, all information in this report has been generated by KnowBe4 Defend, an integrated cloud email security product. Our team would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about any of the insights in this report and how KnowBe4 can strengthen your defenses.

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Phishing Threat Trends