The 2024 IoT Security Landscape Report

July 2, 2024

As the creator of the world’s first smart home cybersecurity hub, Bitdefender has built extensive experience in detecting, analyzing, and mitigating malware, including threats that are particularly targeting the IoT sector. Our IoT Research team is regularly publishing reports, whitepapers, and blog posts that provide valuable insights into emerging threats, attack techniques, and best practices for securing IoT devices.

At its core, Bitdefender develops advanced malware detection technologies, including machine learning algorithms and behavioral analysis techniques, which are specifically designed to identify and neutralize IoT threats of all kinds. Our expertise in developing and refining these technologies gives us a unique perspective on the evolving IoT security landscape.

This research paper is part of a broader program that aims to offer insight into the modern smart home and the constantly evolving threats that target it.

The information presented here is based on threat intelligence sampled from 3.8 million smart homes around the world protected by NETGEAR Armor powered by Bitdefender. We investigated about 50 million IoT devices generating more than 9.1 billion security events around the world to uncover vulnerabilities and attack scenarios and make the smart home a safer environment for everybody.

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About the Provider

Bitdefender is a Romanian cybersecurity and anti-virus software company. Bitdefender develops and sells anti-virus software, internet security software, endpoint security software, and other cybersecurity products and services.


IoT Security