The Geography of Australia’s Digital Industries

July 31, 2023

The report was prepared jointly by CSIRO and the Technology Council of Australia. It aims to share with interested parties within industry, government and community our research on the geography of Australia’s digital industries to help them make better decisions about the inclusive growth and development of this industry.

Hajkowicz S, Evans D, Cameron L, Trinh K, Chen H, Bratanova A, Mason C, Pham H, Travis S, Black R (2023) The Geography of Australia’s Digital Industries: Digital technology industry clusters in Australia’s capital cities and regions. CSIRO and the Technology Council of Australia, Canberra.

The authors would like to thank staff within CSIRO and the Technology Council of Australia who provided review and feedback on early draft versions of this report. The authors are also grateful to the many experts who helped guide the research, produce the report and communicate its findings.

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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is an Australian Government agency responsible for scientific research. CSIRO works with leading organisations around the world.


Australia’s Digital Industries, Digital technology