Why Consumers Love Generative AI

June 20, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we interact with technology, enabling machines to create, design, understand, and generate content with significant implications for businesses and consumers alike.

Generative AI tools such as Midjourney and ChatGPT allow consumers to experiment with the technology in ways that, even recently, few would have imagined. Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT saw a remarkable surge in popularity, amassing over 1 million users in just five days. Within two months of launch, it had over 100 million active monthly users, establishing itself as the fastest-growing consumer application in history.

This report is the first of two we will publish on the topic in 2023. In this report, we will explore how consumers are using generative AI applications and offer insights into how generative AI is shaping the future of the consumer experience. We also discuss consumers’ high level of trust in generative AI applications and consider whether this is misplaced. We also provide our guidance for using generative AI responsibly.

In the second report, to be published later this year, we will delve into the transformative potential of generative AI for organizations across industries, asking how the technology could reshape businesses; highlighting industry-specific use cases; and comparing rates of adoption between industries.

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About the Provider

Capgemini is a global leader in consulting, digital transformation, technology and engineering services. The Group is at the forefront of innovation to address.


Generative artificial intelligence, Technology