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Dr Hadrien Devillepoix

Lead Scientist in the Desert Fireball Network from Curtin University. Hadrien Devillepoix joined the team in September 2014. He has a degree in mathematical engineering, but rapidly moved to astronomy

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Fred Jourdan

School of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Dr Hadrien Devillepoix, Lead Scientist in the Desert Fireball Network. Fred Jourdan is a geochronologist and geochemist in the School of Earth and

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Vladimir Ivkovic

PhD, Director, Research Opportunities, Center for Space Medicine Research, Department of Psychiatry | Director, Laboratory for Neuroimaging and Integrative Physiology, Neural Systems Group, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital &

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Ekaterina Kostioukhina

Medical Consultant, Air Ambulance Flight Team, Human hibernation researcher, Health New Zealand Ekaterina Kostioukhina, specialty is humans. From the molecular structures that make individual humans to the complex bonds that

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Dr Josef Schmid

First Human Holoported to Space | NASA Orion Medical Operations Lead | NASA Flight Surgeon, NASA Career NASA Flight Surgeon with operational experience in aviation, space medicine and deep space

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