Chris Cubbage is a licensed security advisor, technology journalist, public safety expert with particular experience in major public surveillance operations, enterprise security and governance. Chris spent the first 15 of his 30+ years experience in law enforcement, including as a major crime and homicide detective and senior Australian Crime Commission investigator leading one of Australia’s largest insider trading cases. Following this, he established an independent consultancy practice and created new media brands for the Asia Pacific security and space industries.
Chris Cubbage is co-author of Corporate Security in the Asia Pacific Region, CRC Press and online documentary, 11yrs After 9/11. Chris is Executive Editor of the Australia in Space Magazine, Space & Defence News, Asia Pacific Security Magazine, Australian Security Magazine, Australian Cyber Security Magazine, Cyber Security Weekly Podcast and other technology channels. Chris has worked and consulted internationally and across all sectors in security management strategy, operational reviews, organisational audits and crisis response.
Speaker topics delivered in Australia and overseas include:
NEW: Cyber Threats from Above: Navigating the Space Cyber Domain
The Space Cyber Domain is a growing frontier for cyber threats and risks, with implications for both national security and the global supply chain. In this session, we will dive into the emerging Space Cyber Standards, the alignment with national cybersecurity strategies, and potential impacts of space-based threats on Earth-based systems and critical infrastructure. Join us for a critical discussion of the Space Cyber Domain and how we can protect against these new threats.
A New Race – the now, the soon to be & the 2020-year Horizon: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Human Convergence (Presented at Avalon Air Show)
Similar to the impact of drones, across all market verticals, the rise of the robot will be a new challenge with the obvious ‘pros and cons’ for consumers, corporations, governments and security providers. This session examines societal change, crime risk and establishing public policy and public space suitable for a safe digital transformation.
FEEDBACK: Thank you for your presentation at Avalon…it is a massive subject area to cover and you did it succinctly and kept it interesting – Defence Contractor
Crime, Technology & the Future
We are yet to fully appreciate that despite new technology, humans will also innovate to abuse, misuse and re-configure for nebulous purposes. Consider crimes by pre-programmed robots, hacked driverless cars or the loss of all privacy, even in the home. What weapons or disguises will be 3D printed, or unlawful use of hologram images or biometric data? This session will consider crime, the causes and how today’s technology provides the crime enablers and crime indicators for the future.
Data Governance and Cyber Resilience
Technology changes at an almost impossible to keep up with rate, and “cyber resilience” has become a catchphrase for an array of ICT issues. In the context of Cities, this presentation will put cyber resilience into realistic terms and give a rundown on the key trends coming our way. This includes consideration to how this affects the way we govern and manage data, especially in light of the recently introduced data breach notification laws.
Cyber Crisis Communications
The application of contemporary crisis management principles and practices now requires an understanding of cybersecurity, incident response, cyber related legislation, including new legislation for mandatory data breach reporting and regulatory frameworks emerging in Europe, Asia and United States. This session will examine a number of case studies and insight into the formation and roles of the crisis committee, communication planning, cyber breach notifications and communicating with authorities, stakeholders and the public.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) & City Digital Transformation
Ideal for City and Local Government teams, this workshop is tailored to the client and audience to raise awareness and appreciation of the concepts and principles of public safety, crime management, video surveillance and integration with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), popularised by the term, Designing Out Crime. The session looks at fast emerging technology and the causation of crime and its prevention, including serious crimes such as sexual assault, cybercrime and terrorism.
The training will also give attendees a basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of both CPTED and Video Technology. Delivered as a three (3) hour workshop, this training will provide attendees with the basic knowledge of the planning considerations essential for implementation, including crime elements, risk assessments, objective setting and legislation.
FEEDBACK: Comments include:
✓ Way more interesting than the name suggests;
✓ Brilliant, well-paced, riveting, informative;
✓ Thanks for the workshop, really interesting;
✓ It was great and easily attainable to different ages and careers