Dr. Jiasun Li

Assistant Professor of Finance, George Mason University

Dr. Li is an assistant professor of finance at George Mason University. His current research interest is in blockchain technologies and FinTech applications. His research papers analyze how crypto tokens create economic values for digital platforms, the industrial organization of mining pools and implications for blockchain (de) centralization/energy consumption, wash trading on crypto exchanges, the factor structures in cryptocurrency returns, and the contract designs for investment crowdfunding and smart contract applications for information aggregation. He has also studied the role of information in the theory of the firm and market microstructure.

Dr. Li has published in the Review of Financial Studies, among others, and has presented his research at many institutions and conferences including MIT, Michigan, Northwestern, NYU, UC Berkeley, Yale, National Bureau of Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He is a winner of Yihong Xia Best paper award and Chicago Quantitative Alliance academic paper competition. He has also advised several blockchain startups, fintech regulators, and has been a frequent speaker to investment professionals.

Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in finance from UCLA Anderson School of Management and B.S. in mathematics from Fudan University (Shanghai, China) prior to joining George Mason.


Episode 316 – Game Theory and Blockchains

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