Matthew Cleary

Deputy Head (Research) of the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney

My research and teaching fits broadly within the energy disciplines. Specifically I have research involvement related to: i) turbulent combustion simulation; ii) modelling of coal gasification and CO2 capture; and iii) novel and advanced methods for numerical modelling of multi-phase flows.

I have over 10 years research experience in turbulent combustion modelling; including model development, numerical implementation and application. I have worked on the most advanced turbulent combustion models including conditional moment closure, multiple mapping conditioning and probability density function. Of particular note is the development of the sparse-Lagrangian multiple mapping conditioning method which has resulted in a massive reduction in computational cost thus making sophisticated modelling of engineering-scale combustors possible. In recent years I have extended these models to also encompass coal gasification and CO2 capture, spray combustion and solid particle dispersion. In addition to combustion the models are also being applied to biomedical flows.I have published widely in leading archival journals and have authored a major review on multiple mapping conditioning as a book chapter. My group collaborates with leaders in the field both within Australia and internationally. I have been a chief investigator on grants totalling in excess of $900,000. 


Australian space launch capability – Rotating Detonation Engine Research

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