Cyber Threat

Major survey finds Australians aware of cyber threats but not fully prepared for them

A survey by ESET Australia has found that while Australian households are generally well aware of the nature of cybersecurity threats, they are less well prepared to protect themselves from evolving threats targeting smartphones, tablets and the growing number of devices that make up the digital environment within the home. The survey also found that a significant […]

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Follow the Money

The activities of all cyber-criminals, whether working individually, as part of a small gang, as organised crime groups, or even for a nation state, have resulted in annual total cyber-crime revenue estimated at USD1.5 trillion. Banks remain a prime target for cyber-criminals because they are critical infrastructure that can facilitate direct access to cash/funds. The

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The Golden Tax Department and Emergence of GoldenSpy Malware

Trustwave SpiderLabs has discovered a new malware family, dubbed GoldenSpy, embedded in tax payment software that a Chinese bank requires corporations to install to conduct business operations in China. In April of 2020, the Trustwave SpiderLabs Threat Fusion Team engaged a customer to conduct a Proactive Threat Hunt. The company is a global technology vendor with significant

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