data privacy

ITSPmagazine Podcast

ITSPmagazine is a free online publication that focuses on information technology, cybersecurity, data privacy, the InfoSec community and the influence that all this has on our everyday lives – as businesses, individuals and the society in which we live. Delivered through articles, podcasts, webcasts, webinars, live panels, event coverage and talk shows, we explore the […]

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2019 LexisNexis Decoding Cybersecurity: Clause and Effect Roadshow Report

Findings show that the legal industry has a good grasp on the issues and practices required to maintain secure digital systems, but there is still some way to go. There must be an ongoing focus on the people, processes, and technologies of businesses in order to build and maintain good cyber resilience – and this can only be achieved through greater education and awareness-building at all levels of the organisation.

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Enforcing Data Privacy in the Digital World

2018 saw a continuation of major data breaches in organisations, such as Marriot and Facebook. In honour of International Data Privacy Day (28 January), which brings heightened awareness and education around the importance of recognising and managing data privacy issues, and to help professionals navigate and stay in compliance with data privacy regulations, ISACA, in partnership with ACL, has released a new complimentary white paper, Enforcing Data Privacy in the Digital World.

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