
The convergence of analytics, data science and process automation

June 25, 2020



In a recent McKinsey global survey on digital transformation, eight out of every 10 respondents said their organizations have embarked on a digital transformation journey in the last five years. That’s promising news. However, only one third of these initiatives have succeeded. For such organizations the digital transformation journey remains elusive. What stands out amongst those that failed is a common theme; these organizations embarked on their digital transformation journey with a tendency towards looking inward when evaluating their people, processes, data, and technologies. Those organizations that greatly succeeded looked outside. They recognized the value of new automation and transformation technologies and they chose to deliberately invest in technology-supported change.

Results from these successful digital transformations show that these organizations selected technology and practices that converged three critical key pillars of digital transformation specifically, the democratization of data analytics and data science, the optimization and automation of business processes, and the upskilling of people. This converged approach to digital transformation is consistently yielding higher rates of success.

“The proliferation of augmented capabilities within analytics, business intelligence, and data science and machine learning products is making oncedistinct markets collide.

The collision facilitates stronger, more complete and more effective links between data and analytic investments, practices, processes and key business outcomes.”

Worlds Collide as Augmented Analytics Draws Analytics, BI and Data Science Together, Carlie Idoine, 10 March 2020



It is now a strategic imperative to both capitalize on the data economy and accelerate digital transformation. Successful execution requires elevating data assets, analytics, daily business processes, and people towards business goals and outcomes. People, processes, and data are an organization’s richest assets, and when these three assets are addressed together, transformative outcomes are realized.

A unified technology platform that provides access to requisite and relevant data while automating business processes and fostering the rapid upskilling of people within an organization is required to drive success for digital transformation initiatives. These platforms provide comprehensive automation capabilities across the continuum of diverse data access, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive analytics, augmented AI and machine learning, and business process automation. Most importantly, they foster deep engagement of the workforce to enable the rapid upskilling of people.

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About the Provider

We are a leader in the self-service data analytics movement with a platform that can discover, prep, and analyze all your data, then deploy and share analytics at scale for deeper insights faster than you ever thought possible.


Data and Analytics, Data Science, Digital Transformation, Process Automation