
The ESET Cyberawareness Index Australia 2019

December 11, 2019

As of January 2019, 87 per cent of the Australian population were internet users (21.7 million people), and 93 per cent of these people used the internet every day to consume a wide variety of online information and services.

As internet usage reaches saturation point, it might seem reasonable to assume that attitudes and behaviour around securing personal and business data assets would have matured in recent times.

To understand the current status of Australia’s cyberawareness, ESET conducted a survey of 1,062 Australian online users in August 2019. This yielded a statistically-valid result that is representative of the Australian population as a whole.

This white paper outlines the findings of that survey, including:

  • the current state of technology adoption
  • what users are doing online and what they’re doing (or not doing) to protect themselves
  • tips on cybersecurity best practices.

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Cyber Security, Cyberawareness