Australian Cyber Security Magazine, Issue 15, 2023



Enjoy this edition covering all aspects of national cyber security and we will otherwise continue to provide coverage across the cyber domain, including a focus on AI and quantum technologies, such as our interviews with WA’s Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre and quantum computing company, Quantinuum.

On that note, as always, there is so much more to touch on and welcome your feedback and contributions. Enjoy the reading, listening and viewing.


  • Cyberattacks: Why we need to shift the focus from prevention to containment in 2023
  • Prevention rather than cure
  • Are we safe? The question every new CISO needs to be prepared for Australia’s military defence must include cyber defence
  • Women in Operational Technology
  • Why security culture matters in Australia
  • New Cybersecurity strategy shifts breach responsibility to vendors & software providers
  • What should the cyber security committees report to the boards of directors?
  • Are you ready? How to be prepared for a security incident
  • Supply chain risk management needs physical layer visibility
  • Free cyber security program propelling prototypes of the future How to prevent cybersecurity burnout
  • Is ChatGPT AI the next Superman or humanity’s Kryptonite?
  • ChatGPT: AI for good or AI for bad camp
  • Will AI make us more secure?
  • Inclusive talent management to address the cybersecurity skills shortage
  • Digital health leaders call on government and industry to avert global healthcare crisis
  • A healthier Australian healthcare industry with Identity Security
  • Digital trust: A collaborative responsibility towards cyber resilient digital ecosystem
  • IIOT cyber security lessons from Africa
Price: FREE

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MySecurity Media
MySecurity Media has an all-media capability and continues to track the rapid advancement of security and technology to educate, entertain and engage with professionals around the world and across the security domain.