The upcoming IAF Global Conference on Space Exploration (GLEX 2025) will take place on 7-9 May 2025 in New Delhi, India. GLEX 2025 is designed to encouraging the sharing of programmatic, technical and policy information, as well as collaborative solutions, challenges, lessons learnt, and paths forward among all nations with the desire to explore space. During the 4 years since GLEX 2021 the international space exploration community will have significantly moved forward with their respective exploration planning and programmes and it is therefore timely to take stock of the developments and undertake an outlook to the future of space exploration on a global scale.
The GLEX 2025 programme is designed to bring together leaders and decision-makers within the science and human exploration community – engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, educators, agency representatives and policy makers. It will provide a forum to discuss recent results, current challenges and innovative solutions and it will contain several opportunities to learn about how space exploration investments provide benefits as well as discuss how those benefits can be increased through thoughtful planning and cooperation.