Episode 167 – RSA APJ Conference Podcast Series – The New Why of Cybersecurity – Rohit Ghai, President, RSA and Grant Geyer, Senior VP for RSA Products

Interview with Rohit Ghai, President, RSA and Grant Geyer, Senior Vice President for RSA Products discussing the ‘New Why of Cybersecurity’. Digital investment accelerates business velocity, transforms constituent experiences and spawns new opportunities. But this formidable force for human progress also magnifies risk. We discuss digital risk management and associated transformation and change in the digital environment and how RSA has set out to address the management of digital risk as the new ‘why’ for cybersecurity.

Interview by Chris Cubbage, Executive Editor, MySecurity Media recorded 17 July 2019, RSA APJ Conference, Singapore. MySecurity Media were media partners to the event.


ECU Launches SOC with RSA: https://blubrry.com/mysecurity/55861076/episode-189-ecu-launches-new-security-operations-centre-with-rsa-security-building-renewed-tertiary-focus-on-cybersecurity-skills-training


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