Episode 173 – When and how organisations should come to understand Micro-Segmentation – Insights with Illumio

Interview with Andrew Kay, Systems Engineer with Illumio. The Illumio Adaptive Security Platform® (ASP) secures the inside of any data centre and cloud – running any form of compute – with micro-segmentation enabled by application dependency and vulnerability maps.

Following Episode 141 where we discussed how Illumio ASP delivers micro-segmentation by combining vulnerability data with real-time traffic visibility. This discussion dives into when and how organisations come to understand how their applications work, see where they are most vulnerable, and use that visibility to create and enforce micro-segmentation policies.

Andrew Kay has over 15 years’ experience in security and quality assurance working with organisations across Asia Pacific to strengthen their resilience to cyber threats. Having worked with major industry players like Micro Focus and HPE, Andrew now represents Illumio South Pacific as he combines his knowledge of technology and industry to design and implement solutions that prevent attackers’ lateral movement, protect high-value assets and achieve compliance goals.

Illumio is supporting the Cyber Risk Meetup events in Sydney and Melbourne in 2019 and is listed on the MySecurity Marketplace, including listed reports; How to secure your crown jewel applications and How to Build a Micro-Segmentation Strategy

Further reading:


For more information or to register a consultation visit https://www.mysecuritymarketplace.com/product/illumio-adaptive-security-platform/\

Recorded 3 September 2019 in Sydney, Australia


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