Episode 34 – Weekly Update – Welcome to 2018, Magazine updates for ASM & ACSM, Key upcoming Events & leading news

Welcome to 2018 and the conclusion of 2017 podcast releases. MySecurity Media were recently visiting Hanoi, Vietnam courtesy of Milestone Systems and recorded podcast interviews on video surveillance and related technologies.

We also provide a content overview for the Feb/March 2018 edition of the Australian Security Magazine due out next week (thanks to Hills, Seagate, CIVSEC, SecurityExpo, Cities 4.0) and the upcoming Australian Cyber Security Magazine, Issue 4,

This week’s news included The Cabinet Files, GoGet Breach, ASIO Foreign Intelligence warning, NDB & GDPR – get set for a roller-coaster 2018!

NOTE: Early reports suggested that the Cabinet Files may have been related to Senator Penny Wong’s office – the Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet have since claimed responsibility.


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MySecurity Media
MySecurity Media has an all-media capability and continues to track the rapid advancement of security and technology to educate, entertain and engage with professionals around the world and across the security domain.