Episode 57 – ‘Speed dating for cybersecurity jobs’ – Interview with Liz Jakubowski, Director & Founder of Ribit.net, a Data61 initiative

In this interview, Chris Cubbage talks to Liz Jakubowski, Director and Founder of Ribit.net, a Data61 initiative, within the CSIRO, and working with AustCyber, speaking at a ‘speed dating for jobs’ event at the Australian Cyber Security Centre Conference, in Canberra.

Liz discusses her organisation’s goal for matching talent start-ups, big business, and government, through an algorithm, which takes into consideration students’ hard and soft skills.

If you’re interested in filling the cyber security talent gap, or seeking talent out itself, then you’ll enjoy this interview with Liz Jakubowski.

Recorded 10 April 2018, Canberra as part of the Australian Cyber Security Centre Conference, #2018acsc

Relevant Link – www.ribit.net

See also Part 2 – The Students Perspective – Episode 59 – ‘Speed dating for cybersecurity jobs’ – Part 2 – Interview with ANU students & experience with Ribit.net


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