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Space Medicine for Earthlings – Special Virtual Series

Transforming healthcare through innovations in extreme environments.

Humans operating in extreme environments often conduct their operations at the edges of the limits of human performance. Sometimes, they are required to push these limits to previously unattained levels. As a result, their margins for error in execution are much smaller than that found in the general public. These same small margins for error that impact execution may also impact risk, safety, health, and even survival. Thus, humans operating in extreme environments have a need for greater refinement in their preparation, training, fitness, and medical care. (Source: Optimizing human performance in extreme environments through precision medicine: From spaceflight to high-performance operations on Earth

This session will discuss the latest developments in Space & Earth medical science and research with leaders in this specialist, exciting and critically important domain of humans in space.  


Dr Josef Schmid

Flight Surgeon

Ekaterina Kostioukhina

Medical Consultant and Air Ambulance Flight Team
Health New Zealand

Dr Shawna Pandya

First named Canadian female commercial astronaut; Physician & Director
International Institute for Astronautical Sciences Space Medicine Group


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Australia in Space
Our Space channels include Space & Defence news, Australia in Space magazine and Australia in Space TV. We also run an array of Space events, webinars, interviews, podcasts and content.


Healthcare, research, Science, Space Medicine