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2021 Global Workplace Report

Conflicting stakeholder views on the future of work point to gaps in detail, tools and enablement This year’s data reveals some significant differences in perspective within and outside organizations. Contrasting views of leaders, managers and employees all point to significant gaps in understanding what the future of work should look like – and how to

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2021 Global Customer Experience Benchmarking Report

On the threshold of augmented customer experiences Since the pandemic, digital disruptors have thrived and there’s been a revolution in CX operating models. C-level responsibility for customer experience (CX) has doubled in the last year. There’s been a transformational shift in organizational and customer behaviours, and a substantial improvement in automation. Our findings show that

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Global Threat Intelligence Center Monthly Threat Report, June 2021

Ramifications of the Colonial Pipeline breach Lead Analyst: Bruce Snell, Vice President, Security Strategy and Transformation, US On Friday, 7 May, Colonial Pipeline suspended operations due to a ransomware outbreak, attributed to the DarkSide ransomware group, in their network. With Colonial supplying around 45% of the East Coast’s fuel, this led to panicked runs on

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2020 Intelligent Workplace Report: Shaping Employee Experiences for a World Transformed

Foreword – Employee Experience Transformed The world of work is facing a watershed. The hasty emergence of distributed workforces in every industry and region has compelled us to reimagine the workplace – where it is, what it looks like and, most importantly, who it’s for. Alongside that, a pivotal rethink of the culture and value

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Executive Guide to the 2020 Global Threat Intelligence Report

Foreword As the world unites and draws on all available resources to contain the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, unfortunately, there will be those who’ll try to take advantage of the crisis for nefarious purposes. As organizations continue to drive business practices through digital transformation, the challenges they face evolve as well. Cybercriminals are among this

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